
The first global generation is not only connected by the global human task of the climate crisis, which particularly threatens their future; through digital globalization they are also in constant exchange with each other. Greta Thunberg reported in a Facebook post in February 2019 on how the idea of the school strike came about:

"That idea was inspired by the Parkland Students, who had refused to go to school after the school shootings. I liked the idea of a school strike. So I developed that idea and tried to get the other young people to join me, but no one was really interested. So I went on planning the school strike all by myself and after that I didn't participate in any more meetings.”

So the climate school strike itself, the spark of Fridays For Future came from the USA, inspired by another young movement - the #neveragain-activists from Parkland/Florida around Emma Gonzalez, who themselves became victims of terrible gun violence at their own school. Although at first glance only the form of action connects both movements, with this project I would like to go deeper and explain why this is the first generation to face a common global opponent.

Climate crisis denial, racism and armed violence, authoritarianism and the suppression of democracy - against which another young mpvement in Hong Kong has been fighting for years - mostly go hand in hand. In this decade, a Nationalist International has emerged, a global right-ward shift with different faces, but they are all children of the same spirit. This alone makes the first generation global a necessity to overcome the many crises of today, to save the world from the reactionary forces from Brazil to China, from the USA to Sudan.

Where does the courage of the Globals to fight against these crises come from? How can they counter the Nationalist International? And with what idea of a future can they start a new, sustainable age?